
DJC Collection Flyer

Year: 2022
Client: Ms. Kobayashi
Service:  Flyer design
Art direction and design: Shiina
Studio: harpstar

I designed a flyer for a jewellery exhibition and sale. To achieve a mature and luxurious appearance while maintaining a soft impression, I opted for a grey background. The distorted shapes of the circles symbolise the diverse range of jewellery styles and forms.




Clinic Poster

Year: 2022
Client: Veary Clinic
Service: Poster design
Art direction and design: Shiina

I was tasked with creating posters for a cosmetic surgery clinic specialising in the lower half of the body, handling everything from composition to design. The message conveyed is the importance of valuing oneself first to address concerns about the lower body. I avoided direct language and instead focused on designing visually engaging posters with bright, positive images such as flowers to capture viewers' attention.


COVID-19 Poster

Year: 2020
Self-Initiated Project
Service: Poster design

'Be Clean and Eradicate It' is a campaign promoting a 'beautiful and clean environment' amidst the backdrop of the global coronavirus outbreak. The campaign encourages people to wash their hands, sanitise their surroundings, and uphold cleanliness to prevent infections. It also advocates for a 'beautiful and clean environment' in the face of broader environmental challenges like global warming.
The design ethos is clean, pure, and fresh, aiming to inspire hope. It emphasises visual impact over text, focusing on objects that immediately capture attention. I incorporated pearls to symbolise purity and transparent objects with a clear aesthetic to reinforce the campaign's message of cleanliness and environmental stewardship.

'Be clean and eradicate it' はコロナウイルス 流行の世の中において 「美しい ・ 綺麗な環境」 を目指すキャンペーンです。 感染予防の手洗い・ 掃除などを促す目的だけでなく、 地球温暖化等の環境問題における 「美しい・綺麗な環境」 も目指します。 希望を見出せるようなクリーンで純粋、 爽やかなデザインにしました。 また、一目で関心を惹く よう、文字ではな くオブジェクトをメインにしました。オブジェクトにはpureを表すような 真珠とクリアなイメージのある透明なオブジェクトを作成しました。



Clinic Poster

Year: 2022
Client: Veary Clinic
Service: Poster design
Art direction and design: Shiina

I designed these posters for a male lower-body cosmetic surgery campaign, from the catchphrase to the overall design concept. Centered around the theme of 'confidence', I crafted both the catchphrase and design to exude a rock 'n' roll aesthetic with a powerful impact.


Asexual and Aromantic Poster

Year: 2022
Service: Poster design

Many Japanese people are unaware of these sexualities, and Japan is considered conservative regarding LGBTQ+ issues. Explaining asexuality and aromanticism can be challenging, so I created a poster to simplify the concepts of ace/aro. Using matcha as an analogy, the poster aims to clarify what ace/aro means and deliver a message of solidarity to ace/aro individuals, reassuring them that they are not alone.

(These two sexualities are different, but surveys in Japan put them in the same category as both aromantic/asexual people along with Japanese social context.)





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