
Knitted toy shop Logo

Year: 2021
Client: Periko Factory
Service:  Logo design
Art direction and design: Shiina
Studio: harpstar

The rabbit and letters were designed in a woollen style to instantly convey a knitted appearance. After numerous revisions, including one where the rabbit's tail was transformed into a fluffy ball of fur, the logo was finalized with just the face of a blue rabbit. I opted for a slightly darker shade of blue to ensure the logo stands out amidst the pastel colours, imparting a softer impression.




Logo for a new company

Year: 2021
Client: Colon
Service:  Logo design
Art direction and design: Shiina
Studio: harpstar

The letter "l" in the centre of Colon is handwritten, symbolising both a tied string and the Japanese Kanji character for "person". This connected line signifies "a person at the centre" and represents a bond or connection.


Logo for a volunteer Japanese language class

Year: 2022
Client: OSAKA Nihongo Shelter
Service:  Logo design
Art direction and design: Shiina
Studio: harpstar

This logo is designed to be simple and versatile, aiming for long-term acceptance and admiration. It features a roof design symbolising shelter, inspired by the roof of Osaka Castle, reflecting the proximity of the class location to this iconic landmark.
The logo embodies our aspiration that learning Japanese will bring sunshine.

できるだけ多くの人に受け入れられ、長く愛される、多様性のあるシンプルなロゴにしました。Shelterとして屋根のデザインに、そして教室が大阪城の近くにあることから大阪城の屋根をイメージしました。 太陽には、日本語を学ぶことで少しでも陽が登る、前向きになれるような思いを込めています。



Logo of an accessory shop

Year: 2021
Client: COCONI
Service:  Logo design
Art direction and design: Shiina
Studio: harpstar

An order was placed for a hedgehog design. I illustrated hedgehogs and transformed them into earrings to emphasise their recognisability as accessories from a shop. The colourful building blocks held by the hedgehogs abstractly represent the 'COCONI' alphabet. The use of various colours and shapes conveys the concept of a specialty shop offering accessories in diverse styles and colours.

ハリネズミデザインのオーダーだったため、イラストを作成し、アクセサリーショップと分かるようにピアスにしました。ハリネズミが持っているカラフルな積み木のようなもは、"COCONI"のアルファベットをそれぞれ 抽象的な形にしたものです。様々な色、形を用い「色んな色、形のアクセサリーが集まるセレクトショップ」 を表現しました。


Logo of a head spa salon

Year: 2023
Client: mana
Service:  Logo design, Brand identity design
Art direction and design: Shiina

I was involved in the team from the initial stages, including creating brand identity, proposing interior designs, and developing brand strategy and analysis. The logo, tone, and manner were crafted to be inclusive and inviting to all genders and age groups, while also conveying a sense of trust and embodying the healing aspects of head spas. The cloud depicted in the logo represents the letters 'm' and 'n' in 'mana'.



Selected Works

Other selected worksSelected works

RashinbanBrand Collateral

HaqaBranding design

KAGEROUBranding design

As clubBranding design

Selected Poster and Flyer CollectionPoster and Flyer design

KAKUMEILogo design, Business card design

Past Future ExhibitionPast Future Exhibition

HAQALogo, business card design

Vichon StudioLogo, business card design

Sen,s JapanBranding design

F→aceUI UX design

I.amfhBranding design

Happy Tiger year 2022Branding design

Twinkle Nail SalonBrand Identity design

Cafe de SuShiBranding design

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